The most common cause of your type of rosacea is candida overgrowth. It is estimated that more than 80% of those eating a Western diet have an overgrowth of candida. Candida is part of your probiotic population, but it can become more dominant when progesterone medication (often in birth control pills) is taken, when sugar, dairy and fried foods are ingested frequently, and when antibiotics are taken.

Redness around the mouth and chin alone is often from constipation.

Note: Some people with redness in these zones have more serious conditions like Ulcerative Colitis and/or Crohn's Disease. Click here for the specific protocols if you have one of these conditions.

Also Beneficial

Skin Clarifier
This mucus cleanse will expose candida for removal and improve overall digestion. Rosacea sufferers may require up to three cleanses.

Skin Perfection Elixir
This elixir uses groundbreaking, clinically proven technology to address candida and calm gut irritation.

This clinically proven formula restores the growth factor activity in red and irritated skin to improve recovery.